Time to Say Goodbye to Soggy Bananas!

On my latest escapade in the Brecon Beacons, I found myself hastily packing my day pack with the essentials for the journey ahead; amongst the gear and provisions, I threw in a trustee banana and a CLIF bar. 

Midway into my hike, when my legs were burning from trudging through the thick snow up what felt like my own personal Everest. It was then that I knew it was time to venture into my bag for a much-needed pick-me up! But as I rummaged around, I found my hand coated in the remnants of a squashed banana!

Unlike its yellow counterpart, prone to squishiness and rapid decay, my CLIF Bar stood tall and proud, boasting a shelf-stable design that laughs in the face of spoilage. It got me thinking about the eternal battle between snacks and stamina, and I have to say, CLIF emerges as the hero, armed with plant-based goodness and a commitment to sustainable snacking. Move over mushy bananas, because CLIF is here to revolutionize the way you fuel your adventures.


Responsibly Made ♻️

CLIF has pursued purposeful food creation, prioritizing both human health and environmental sustainability. They've aimed for packaging that's 100% reusable, recyclable, or compostable by 2025 aligning with their belief that nourishing the planet is as vital as nourishing the body. Additionally, with over 80% of their ingredients meeting USDA organic standards and a commitment to fair, safe working conditions, CLIF isn't just fuel for your stomach—it's food for your conscience.

The Ultimate Energy Bar™ 

CLIF BAR® aren't just your run-of-the-mill snacks. Oh no, they're the OGs of nutritious and stamina inducing snacks! Each bar is brimming with carefully compiled plant -based and wholesome ingredients to create the perfect performance food, designed to propel you up your next mountain or survive another Monday meeting! Filled with carbohydrates, functional fats and plant-powered proteins, their bars are packed with ingredients that you can actually pronounce and that your body will thank you for.

So, while the dependable banana still has a place in my fruit bowl, it's time to embrace the mighty CLIF Bar! Sure, my hand may have been coated in banana mush halfway through my hike, but my trusty CLIF Bar stood tall and proud, giving me the boost I needed to cross the finish line. So, next time you're gearing up for an adventure, leave the mushy bananas at home and grab yourself a CLIF Bar. Your taste buds—and your conscience—will thank you!


Yeti Hapus, Rosie

Head of Corporate Partnerships & Events